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1970 Rear Shock Identification

The BOSS 302 rear shock absorber was not a BOSS 302 unique part. The Mustang rear shock applications varied based on engine and transmission. Here is the information for the 1970-71 Mustang ("Z" in the part number) and Cougar ("W" in the part number).

Note the extra notations next to the part numbers. "AUTO" for automatic transmission. "MAN" for manual transmission. "302 HO" for the BOSS 302 in the Cougar.

Rear shock part numbers

The Ford MPC has the following Mustang information and appears to agree with the part drawing notations:

D0ZF-18080-A1 engineering part number equals D0ZZ-18125-A service part number for 1970 Mustang 428 CJ, 302 HO, and GT and special handling package with automatic transmission.

D0ZF-18080-B1 engineering part number equals D0ZZ-18125-B service part number for 1970 Mustang 428 CJ, 302 HO, with manual transmission.

D0ZF-18080-C4 engineering part number equals D0ZZ-18125-C service part number for 1970 Mustang excluding 428 CJ, 302 HO, and Boss 429.

The part assembly aid color codes are also specified on the drawing:

Rear shock part colors

This page last updated: February 3, 2022. All Rights Reserved.